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Fosksjökläpparna 1072m
, Blåkläppen 1025m,
Grövelsjön 24/9 2023

Time for a new visit to Grövelsjön, a beautiful place where you might say that the mountain range becomes more concistent, on the Swedish side. I start from the summer parking at 850m altitude.   Almost immediatly you pass the tree limit and can enjoy the view of Sølen 1755m, in Norway.

And the autumn colors, well, what's to say about that?   I follow the trail leading towards Storvättershågna. But my target is a bit closer, about 4km walk one way. Here Fosksjökläpparna are to the right.

For 3,5km there is a flat high mountain area. A bit up, a bit down, then up again. There is a reason I choose this route today. There has been a lot of rain, and wooden footbridges are a good thing then. 


Looking straight south with Barfredshågna in the middle. After leaving the trail and climbing off track, I'm now at the eastern summit. To the north are the lakes Fosksjöarna and further away mountains in Härjedalen. Very good visibility today.

Looking west, towards the Norwegian side. The western summit is to the left,
just 100m away.  
To the southeast, the peak Lillvättershågna 1066m, to the right in this picture.

And straight to the east is Storvättershågna. Reaching 1204m makes it the
highest in Dalarna, as well as Svealand.  
I spend a long time up here. Having tea and a sandwich, enjoying the sun. Just looking all around...

To the northwest, Grøthogna 1402m. It's on the Norwegian side.  On my way back, I really don't want to go all the way down yet. I choose a 3km detour over Blåkläppen, 1025m. It's easy walking up here, no problems with water. 

I get rewarded with seeing Städjan, a bit to the right here. Maybe it was covered
with clouds before. 
And Båthusberget in Norway, in the middle here. I climbed that one earlier this year. Now I can descend to the car...
 All material: Copyright ©Mats Olsson